To upload your clients’ data onto Kahunas, you will need to prepare a CSV file with all your client information.
To download the template, just click here.
Make sure that required fields are filled in correctly, such as First Name and Email, and then upload the CSV file directly to the platform. Once uploaded, Kahunas will automatically populate your clients’ profiles based on the information provided.
1. First Name (Mandatory)
The First Name field must be completed for every client.
• Important: This field cannot include any numbers or special characters (e.g., !,@,#,$,%,&).
• Accepted: ‘John’
• Not Accepted: ‘J0hn!’
2. Email Address (Mandatory)
Every client must have an email address, and it should follow a valid email format.
• Valid email: ‘’
• Invalid email: ‘’ (Missing @ symbol)
3. Birthdate (Optional)
This field is optional but highly recommended. The birthdate must be a past date.
• Format: DD/MM/YYYY – Date / Month / Year
4. Phone Number (Optional)
If you choose to include the client’s phone number, it must only contain numeric values.
• Important: No letters or special characters are allowed.
• Accepted Example: ‘0872758999’
• Not Accepted Example: ‘A0872758999!’ (Has letters and special characters)
5. Package ID (Optional)
If you’ve already created packages on the platform, you can assign one to each client by adding the unique Package ID in this field.
Heads up! If the Package ID isn’t correct, the system won’t accept it, and the package won’t be assigned to your clients.
To find the unique Package ID for a package you’ve created:
1. Click the … (three dots) next to the package.
2. Select ‘Copy ID’ to grab the Package ID.
6. Payment Status (Mandatory)
You must select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on whether your client needs to pay.
• Important: If this field is left blank, the system will assume the client does not need to pay.
7. Plan Start Date (Mandatory if client needs to pay)
If the client needs to pay, the Plan Start Date field is required. If left blank, it will default to the current date.
• Format: DD/MM/YYYY
• Accepted Example: ‘01/10/2024’
Note: The date can be current or any future date.
8. Weight Measurement (Optional)
This field is for your client’s preferred weight measurement metric.
• You can choose either ‘kg’ or ‘lbs’.
Note: Only these two options are accepted.
9. Initial Q/A Form (Optional)
If you have created Initial Q/A forms, you can assign them to your clients by entering the unique Q/A Form ID in this field.
Note: If this field is left blank, your clients will be automatically assigned the default Q/A form associated with your account.
10. Daily Habit Form (Optional)
Similar to the Q/A form, if you have Daily Habit forms, you can assign one by adding the Daily Habit Form ID in this field.
Note: If this field is left blank, no Daily Habit form will be assigned.
11. Check-In Form (Optional)
Assign a Check-In form to your clients by adding the Check-In Form ID.
Note: If this field is left blank, the default Check-In form will be assigned automatically.
12. Check-In Frequency (Optional)
You can specify how often you want your clients to complete check-ins.
• Accepted Values: ‘weekly’, ‘bi-weekly’, or ‘monthly’.
• Default Value: If left blank, the system will set the frequency to ‘weekly’.
13. Check-In Days (Optional)
You can specify which days of the week you want your clients to check in.
• Accepted Values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.
• You can add as many days as you want, but they must be separated by commas.
• Example: ‘monday, wednesday, friday’
Note: If left blank, the system will use its default settings for check-ins.
14. Exercise Metric Measurement Unit (Optional)
Choose how you want to measure your client’s exercises: either in ‘kg’ or ‘lbs’.
Note: Only ‘kg’ or ‘lbs’ will be accepted.
To download the template, just click here.