How do I add my own food to the database?

Adding foods to Nutrition Plans

Adding Foods to Nutrition Plans:

1. On your dashboard, navigate to Nutrition on the left-hand side.

2. Choose Foods > Add New.

3. Enter the food details and click Add.

You can also create custom food items when you’re adding foods to a meal plan. When you reach the Add Food section, you’ll see the option to create your own food.

Additionally, you can create or edit food items while building or modifying a nutrition plan in the app.

Note: You’re in full control of what your clients see and use in their nutrition plans. Want them to access the entire nutrition library or just verified foods and those you’ve created? The choice is yours!

Toggle On: Access over 1.6 million verified foods and 800,000 barcodes across the US, UK, Australia, and Canada, plus the custom foods you and your clients have created.

Toggle Off (Default): Enjoy the entire nutrition library on Kahunas, providing even more options!

To edit this setting go to Settings > General Settings > Toggle on "Use verified foods only"

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